Diversity pricing models is too complex for EV users

EV charging stations in France: 800% price disparity revealed

Photo: Shutterstock

An investigation by French consumer association UFC Que Choisir has laid bare a stark disparity in electric vehicle (EV) charging station prices. The highest fees eclips the lowest even by 800%.

UFC Que Choisir’s study reveals that a quarter of the terminals are often out of order, and the erratic pricing of public chargers compounds the confusion for users. The pricing models, which might be based on kilowatt-hour consumption, connection duration, or added fees for parking, initiating a charge, or reservation, among other factors, lack transparency. Subscription plans and peak hour surcharges only add to the complexity.

The consumer association has flagged the unjustified margins and tariff aberrations, citing examples such as rates fluctuating from 0.39 to 2.12 euros per kWh at a low-power station in Paris and 0.45 to 1.33 euros per kWh at a high-power terminal on the A9 highway in Aude. Although 80% of EV charging occurs at home, this issue is causing concerns for EV drivers who largely depend on public infrastructure for charging.

The study underscores the need for the EV charging market to structure itself due to the anxiety it is causing among EV drivers. This, in turn, could affect the decision of potential EV buyers who may be deterred by the current pricing inconsistencies and lack of transparency.

Author: Peter van Noppen

Source: BNN

EV charging stations in France: 800% price disparity revealed - ChargeInfra
Diversity pricing models is too complex for EV users

EV charging stations in France: 800% price disparity revealed

Photo: Shutterstock

An investigation by French consumer association UFC Que Choisir has laid bare a stark disparity in electric vehicle (EV) charging station prices. The highest fees eclips the lowest even by 800%.

UFC Que Choisir’s study reveals that a quarter of the terminals are often out of order, and the erratic pricing of public chargers compounds the confusion for users. The pricing models, which might be based on kilowatt-hour consumption, connection duration, or added fees for parking, initiating a charge, or reservation, among other factors, lack transparency. Subscription plans and peak hour surcharges only add to the complexity.

The consumer association has flagged the unjustified margins and tariff aberrations, citing examples such as rates fluctuating from 0.39 to 2.12 euros per kWh at a low-power station in Paris and 0.45 to 1.33 euros per kWh at a high-power terminal on the A9 highway in Aude. Although 80% of EV charging occurs at home, this issue is causing concerns for EV drivers who largely depend on public infrastructure for charging.

The study underscores the need for the EV charging market to structure itself due to the anxiety it is causing among EV drivers. This, in turn, could affect the decision of potential EV buyers who may be deterred by the current pricing inconsistencies and lack of transparency.

Author: Peter van Noppen

Source: BNN