Lack of interoperability

Spain tops electric car charging costs in Europe

Recent figures indicate that Spain holds the record for the most expensive electric car charging costs in Europe, making it a significant concern for electric vehicle (EV) owners, according to Spanish newspaper OK Diario.

In Spain, the cost of charging electric cars is notably higher compared to other European Union countries. Reports suggest that Spaniards pay up to 130 per cent more than their Portuguese neighbours, highlighting the stark contrast in pricing within the region.

Despite the high costs, Spain has witnessed a remarkable increase in the installation of charging points. Last year, over half of the current charging points were non-existent, which highlights a rapid development in this sector.

By the close of the first half of 2023, Spain boasted 25,106 public charging points, marking more than a 16 per cent increase from the previous year. If projections hold, the number of charging points is expected to quadruple by year’s end, reaching a 100,000.

However, the surge in charging points comes with its own set of challenges. A mere 4.2 per cent of these points were utilised, and a significant number, approximately 7,400, were non-operational due to pending network connections.

The high charging costs in Spain can be attributed to a lack of interoperability, a mandatory requirement in other EU countries. The growth of electric cars in Spain is also hampered by the rising prices of new vehicles, which have surged by more than forty per cent in the past five years. Spain records almost double the sales of used cars compared to new ones, posing environmental and safety concerns. Unlike many other EU-countries, Spain lacks quickly processed, non-taxable aid focused on sustainability, which would lower the costs for buying an electric car.

Author: Peter van Noppen


Spain tops electric car charging costs in Europe - ChargeInfra
Lack of interoperability

Spain tops electric car charging costs in Europe

Recent figures indicate that Spain holds the record for the most expensive electric car charging costs in Europe, making it a significant concern for electric vehicle (EV) owners, according to Spanish newspaper OK Diario.

In Spain, the cost of charging electric cars is notably higher compared to other European Union countries. Reports suggest that Spaniards pay up to 130 per cent more than their Portuguese neighbours, highlighting the stark contrast in pricing within the region.

Despite the high costs, Spain has witnessed a remarkable increase in the installation of charging points. Last year, over half of the current charging points were non-existent, which highlights a rapid development in this sector.

By the close of the first half of 2023, Spain boasted 25,106 public charging points, marking more than a 16 per cent increase from the previous year. If projections hold, the number of charging points is expected to quadruple by year’s end, reaching a 100,000.

However, the surge in charging points comes with its own set of challenges. A mere 4.2 per cent of these points were utilised, and a significant number, approximately 7,400, were non-operational due to pending network connections.

The high charging costs in Spain can be attributed to a lack of interoperability, a mandatory requirement in other EU countries. The growth of electric cars in Spain is also hampered by the rising prices of new vehicles, which have surged by more than forty per cent in the past five years. Spain records almost double the sales of used cars compared to new ones, posing environmental and safety concerns. Unlike many other EU-countries, Spain lacks quickly processed, non-taxable aid focused on sustainability, which would lower the costs for buying an electric car.

Author: Peter van Noppen
