
Fastned issues almost 33 million euros in new bonds

Image: Fastned

Fastned has issued more than 32.9 million euros in new bonds, bringing the total of new bonds issued in 2024 to more than 60 million euros. The charging station operator announced this after trading hours on Monday.

The new bonds have a coupon of 6 percent and a term of five years. “Of this amount, 12.3 million euros comes from investors who have extended their investments from previous tranches,” Fastned said on Monday.

This fifteenth tranche in the bond program brings the total outstanding amount of investments from private investors to more than 195 million euros, according to the company. Fastned shares closed 1.3 percent lower on Monday at 19.44 euros.

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Author: Peter van Noppen

Source: De Aandeelhouder

Fastned issues almost 33 million euros in new bonds - ChargeInfra

Fastned issues almost 33 million euros in new bonds

Image: Fastned

Fastned has issued more than 32.9 million euros in new bonds, bringing the total of new bonds issued in 2024 to more than 60 million euros. The charging station operator announced this after trading hours on Monday.

The new bonds have a coupon of 6 percent and a term of five years. “Of this amount, 12.3 million euros comes from investors who have extended their investments from previous tranches,” Fastned said on Monday.

This fifteenth tranche in the bond program brings the total outstanding amount of investments from private investors to more than 195 million euros, according to the company. Fastned shares closed 1.3 percent lower on Monday at 19.44 euros.

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Author: Peter van Noppen

Source: De Aandeelhouder