700 major projects

TenneT presents 10-year investment plans for Dutch grid

Photo: TenneT

Dutch national grid operator TenneT has released its investment plans for the 2024-2033 period. In those 10 years it expects to carry out around 700 major infrastructure projects to prepare the grid for the future.

The plans include grid extensions, replacement investments, new customer connections, offshore wind farms and reconstruction projects. Over the next 10 years, TenneT intends to develop five larger new power highways and to upgrade 140 high-voltage substations. It is the double compared to the previous investment plan from 2022. “With our society rapidly electrifying, this calls for a rigorous transformation of our entire energy system,”  according to TenneT chief operating officer Maarten Abbenhuis.

The grid operator’s ‘Investment Plan on Land’ and ‘Investment  Plan at Sea’ are available in Dutch on its website. Stakeholders can provide feedback on them by November 29. TenneT will submit the final plan to the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) in early 2024.

Author: Peter van Noppen

Source: TenneT

TenneT presents 10-year investment plans for Dutch grid - ChargeInfra