911 high-powered charging points

Cross border electric charging project to install high power charging networks across Europe

Image: visitpula.hr

Allego, Emobility Solutions, GreenWay, and Petrol Group have been selected for the CROSS-E project to facilitate the rollout of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles along key TEN-T corridors in eight European countries.

The CROSS-E project has been established to enable a path towards future zero-emission travel through the realization of high-powered electric vehicle (EV) charging points along key routes and ports across Europe. The four companies selected to carry out the project, Allego, Petrol Group, GreenWay, and Emobility Solutions, will install 911 high-powered charging points (150 kW and 350 kW) at 239 locations tailored to both light and heavy-duty electric vehicles (LDV & HDV). The project has been selected to implement 130 million euros investments in high power charging infrastructure with a total grant of 34.45 million euros from the European Union and is scheduled to be finalized by October 2026.

The primary goals of CROSS-E include:

  • Strengthening cross-border connectivity between Cohesion countries and Western Europe.
  • Establishing initial corridors for electric trucks along key logistics routes.
  • Reducing wait times at locations projected to experience high seasonal utilization.

The CROSS-E project comprises two intertwined initiatives: CROSS-E General and Cross-E Cohesion. These projects will receive co-funding from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the EU funding programme supporting European transport infrastructure. It is, therefore, the aim to complement the existing infrastructure with enhanced cross-border connections between neighbouring countries.

The four entities chosen for CROSS-E will operate across eight EU Member States: Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Belgium, Italy, and the Netherlands. Collectively, they will install 838 recharging points for LDVs (150 – 350 kW) and 73 recharging points for HDVs (350 kW).

CROSS-E installations will adhere strictly to the European Commission’s Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR), guaranteeing open access to the recharging infrastructure. All locations will be accessible to the public 24/7 and will support roaming and open-access payment methods including NFC, credit cards, and app-based payments. The deployment of charging points for specifically Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV) in selected markets will also offer valuable insights ahead of broader installations across all project partners and countries.

Richard Ferrer, Head of the Alternative Fuels Sector at CINEA, the European Climate Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency declared: “With this large-scale ambitious project, the European Union is supporting an important new phase to decarbonise mobility in Europe, in particular through the deployment of an electric recharging infrastructure for heavy-duty vehicles, right at the moment the first electric trucks are delivered on the market. Together with the four involved private frontrunners, we stay fully committed to achieve Green Deal objectives for the benefit of EU citizens and economic operators.”

Author: Peter van Noppen

Source: Allego

Cross border electric charging project to install high power charging networks across Europe - ChargeInfra
911 high-powered charging points

Cross border electric charging project to install high power charging networks across Europe

Image: visitpula.hr

Allego, Emobility Solutions, GreenWay, and Petrol Group have been selected for the CROSS-E project to facilitate the rollout of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles along key TEN-T corridors in eight European countries.

The CROSS-E project has been established to enable a path towards future zero-emission travel through the realization of high-powered electric vehicle (EV) charging points along key routes and ports across Europe. The four companies selected to carry out the project, Allego, Petrol Group, GreenWay, and Emobility Solutions, will install 911 high-powered charging points (150 kW and 350 kW) at 239 locations tailored to both light and heavy-duty electric vehicles (LDV & HDV). The project has been selected to implement 130 million euros investments in high power charging infrastructure with a total grant of 34.45 million euros from the European Union and is scheduled to be finalized by October 2026.

The primary goals of CROSS-E include:

  • Strengthening cross-border connectivity between Cohesion countries and Western Europe.
  • Establishing initial corridors for electric trucks along key logistics routes.
  • Reducing wait times at locations projected to experience high seasonal utilization.

The CROSS-E project comprises two intertwined initiatives: CROSS-E General and Cross-E Cohesion. These projects will receive co-funding from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the EU funding programme supporting European transport infrastructure. It is, therefore, the aim to complement the existing infrastructure with enhanced cross-border connections between neighbouring countries.

The four entities chosen for CROSS-E will operate across eight EU Member States: Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Belgium, Italy, and the Netherlands. Collectively, they will install 838 recharging points for LDVs (150 – 350 kW) and 73 recharging points for HDVs (350 kW).

CROSS-E installations will adhere strictly to the European Commission’s Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR), guaranteeing open access to the recharging infrastructure. All locations will be accessible to the public 24/7 and will support roaming and open-access payment methods including NFC, credit cards, and app-based payments. The deployment of charging points for specifically Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV) in selected markets will also offer valuable insights ahead of broader installations across all project partners and countries.

Richard Ferrer, Head of the Alternative Fuels Sector at CINEA, the European Climate Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency declared: “With this large-scale ambitious project, the European Union is supporting an important new phase to decarbonise mobility in Europe, in particular through the deployment of an electric recharging infrastructure for heavy-duty vehicles, right at the moment the first electric trucks are delivered on the market. Together with the four involved private frontrunners, we stay fully committed to achieve Green Deal objectives for the benefit of EU citizens and economic operators.”

Author: Peter van Noppen

Source: Allego